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2109 Sumner Avenue
Aberdeen, WA
United States

(360) 532-8631


Pruebas gratis de COVID-19 a nivel comunitario en Grays Harbor

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

El Centro de Operaciones de Emergencia Grays Harbor y Salud Pública del Condado Grays Harbor, se ha asociado con la Guardia Nacional del estado de Washington para operar sitios comunitarios para pruebas gratis de COVID-19 en el Condado de Grays Harbor durante el mes de octubre. En los primeros cinco días de pruebas, 574 personas se hicieron la prueba COBID-19. Ahora se ofrecen más fechas, horarios y lugares.

No hay requisitos para hacerse la prueba COVID-19, durante este evento comunitario para pruebas. Los lugares para pruebas son para cualquier persona que necesite o quiera la prueba COVID-19. A las personas menores de 18 años se les requiere que se presenten acompañados por un adulto. Se requiere dar un número de teléfono y una dirección válida, sin embargo, no se requiere identificación. No se hacen preguntas referentes al estatus migratorio.

Para las pruebas, en todos los lugares habrá apoyo en inglés y en español. Las pruebas se pueden hacer tanto en su auto o si llega caminando, no necesita cita. No hay servicio de baños públicos.

Se han hecho más pruebas de lo esperado. Eso ha causado un retraso en los resultados de las pruebas. Se han priorizado las pruebas y el tiempo de entrega de resultados varían.

La segunda ronda de fechas, horarios y lugares son:

Dates,times,locations chart.png

El centro de llamadas COVID-19 de Salud Pública del Condado Grays Harbor ahora opera durante los fines de semana. Comuníquese a nuestro centro de llamadas bilingüe al (360) 964-1850, de lunes a viernes de las 8:30 a.m. a las 4 p.m. y los sábados, domingos y días festivos de las 10 a.m. a las 2 p.m. Vea actualizaciones de COVID-19, como el número de casos en

Oakville Fire Station, Oakville

Oakville CBTS.png

Ocosta High School, Ocosta

Ocosta CBTS.png

Fire District #8 (Pacific Beach), Pacific Beach

Stewart Field/Robert Gray Parking Lot, Aberdeen

Stewart Field CBTS.png

Lions Club, Cosmopolis

Ocean Shores Convention Center, Ocean Shores

Ocean Shores CC CBTS.png


Free Community Based COVID-19 Testing coming to Grays Harbor

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Grays Harbor County Public Health and Grays Harbor Emergency Operations Center  have partnered with the Washington State National Guard to bring community based COVID-19 tests to Grays Harbor County. These free tests will be performed at multiple locations on various days during the month of October.

There are no requirements to be tested for COVID-19 during this community based testing. This testing site is open to anyone that needs or wants a COVID-19 test. People under the age of 18 are required to be accompanied by an adult. A valid phone number and address will be necessary; however, no identification is required. No questions regarding immigration status will be asked.

Support for testing is available in both English and Spanish at all locations. These sites will be both drive-through and walk-up with no appointment required. There is a maximum of 80 tests per day. Results will be available within 24-48 hours after the test.

First Round of Dates, Times, and Locations: (More dates and time to be announced)


10/06/2020 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM Olympic Stadium East Parking Lot Hoquiam

10/07/2020 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM Olympic Stadium East Parking Lot Hoquiam

10/08/2020 1:00 PM - 7:00 PM Aberdeen High School -  Student Parking Lot Aberdeen

10/09/2020 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM Aberdeen High School -  Student Parking Lot Aberdeen

10/10/2020 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Aberdeen High School -  Student Parking Lot Aberdeen

10/13/2020 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM Fairgrounds Parking Lot Elma

10/14/2020 1:00 PM - 7:00 PM Fairgrounds Parking LotElma

Grays Harbor County Public Health’s COVID-19 call center is now open weekends. Our bi-lingual call center can be reached at (360) 964-1850 Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM and Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Grays Harbor COVID-19 updates, including current case counts, are available at

Olympic Stadium Parking Lot (Intersection of 30th & Cherry St), Hoquiam

Olympic CBTS.png

Aberdeen High School Student Parking Lot, Aberdeen


Fairgrounds Parking Lot (Triangle Lot prior to Pavilion Lot), Elma

Fairgrounds CBTS.png


Pruebas gratis de COVID-19 a nivel comunitario en Grays Harbor

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Salud Pública del Condado Grays Harbor y el Centro de Operaciones de Emergencia Grays Harbor se ha asociado con la Guardia Nacional del estado de Washington, para operar sitios comunitarios para pruebas gratis de COVID-19 en el Condado de Grays Harbor. Durante el mes de octubre, se ofrecen pruebas gratis en varios lugares y en diferentes fechas.

No hay requisitos para hacerse la prueba COVID-19, durante los eventos comunitarios para pruebas. Los lugares para pruebas están abiertos a cualquier persona que necesita o quiere la prueba COVID-19. A las personas menores de 18 años se les requiere que se presenten acompañados por un adulto. Se requiere dar un número de teléfono y una dirección válida. No se hacen preguntas referentes al estatus migratorio

Para las pruebas, en todos los lugares habrá apoyo en inglés y en español. Las pruebas se pueden hacer tanto en su auto o si llega caminando, no necesita cita. Hay un máximo 80 pruebas disponibles por día. Los resultados estarán disponibles dentro de un plazo de 24-48 horas después de la prueba.

La primera ronda de fechas, horarios y lugares son:  (Se anunciarán otras fechas y horarios más.)

FECHA                                HORARIO                                        LUGAR / UBICACIÓN / CIUDAD

06 oct.                   8:00 AM - 2:00 PM           Olympic Stadium – Estacionamiento al este - Hoquiam

07 oct.                   12:00 PM - 6:00 PM          Olympic Stadium - Estacionamiento al este - Hoquiam

08 oct                    1:00 PM - 7:00 PM            Aberdeen High School - Estacionamiento de estudiantes - Aberdeen

09 oct.                   8:00 AM - 2:00 PM           Aberdeen High School - Estacionamiento de estudiantes - Aberdeen

10/10/2020         9:00 AM - 3:00 PM            Aberdeen High School - Estacionamiento de estudiantes - Aberdeen

10/13/2020         8:00 AM - 2:00 PM          Lugar para Ferias del Condado [Fairgrounds] Estacionamiento - Elma

10/14/2020        1:00 PM - 7:00 PM           Lugar para Ferias del Condado [Fairgrounds] Estacionamiento - Elma

El centro de llamadas COVID-19 de Salud Pública del Condado Grays Harbor ahora opera durante los fines de semana. Comuníquese a nuestro centro de llamadas bilingüe al (360) 964-1850, de lunes a viernes de las 8:30 a.m. a las 4 p.m. y los sábados, domingos y días festivos de las 10 a.m. a las 2 p.m. Vea actualizaciones de COVID-19, como el número de casos en

Estadio Olympic - Estacionamiento (esquina de la 30th 7 Cherry St.), Hoquiam

Aberdeen High School – Estacionamiento de estudiantes, Aberdeen

Ferias del Condado en Elma – Estacionamiento (Triangulo antes del lote Pavillon

# # #

Opciones para pruebas COVID-19 en el Condado Grays Harbor

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Salud Pública del Condado Grays Harbor y el Centro de Operaciones de Emergencia Grays Harbor, desean compartir con el público las opciones que hay para pruebas COVID-19 en el Condado de Grays Harbor. Con la adición de pruebas Everlywell esta semana, Grays Harbor ahora tiene cuatro opciones para pruebas.

El centro de llamadas COVID-19 de Salud Pública del Condado de Grays Harbor ahora opera los fines de semana y los días de fiesta. Comuníquese con nuestro personal bilingüe del centro de llamadas COVID-19 al (360) 964-1850 de lunes a viernes de las 8:30 AM a las 4 PM y los sábados, domingos y días de fiesta de 10 AM a 2 PM. El centro de llamadas ofrece información sobre las pruebas y referidos.

Vea actualizaciones de COVID-19 en Grays Harbor en nuestro sitio web, donde se incluye el número de casos.

Vea información de los lugares para pruebas, en todo el estado de Washington en

Las pruebas Everywell
Salud Publica del Condado Grays Harbor ahora tiene paquetes para pruebas en casa [de la marca] Everywell COVID-19.  Los paquetes son para cualquier persona mayor de 18 años con síntomas de COVID-19, o en caso de tener contacto cercano con alguien que ha sido confirmado con infección COVID-19.  Después de una evaluación en línea, la persona podrá hacerse su propia prueba y enviarla por UPS. Esas pruebas no se administran ni se distribuyen en el edificio de Salud Pública. Para obtenerla por favor llame al centro de llamadas COVID-19 al (360) 964-1850 para evaluación inicial e instrucciones (inglés o español).

Hospital Comunitario de Grays Harbor
El Hospital Comunitario Grays Harbor [Grays Harbor Community Hospital] ofrece pruebas COVID-19 que se hacen estando en su propio automóvil, a las personas de cualquier edad con síntomas de COVID-19, o que tienen contacto cercano con alguien que haya resultado positivo.

Las pruebas son de lunes a viernes de las 10:00 AM a las 12 del día. Llame al centro de llamadas bilingüe por COVID-19, (360) 964-1850. Las pruebas desde su automóvil son sin cargo para usted. Las pruebas que se toman dentro del hospital durante una cita con atención médica pueden causar cobro para usted. Los servicios de interpretación los proporciona Hospital Comunitario de Grays Harbor [Grays Harbor Community Hospital].

Summit Pacific Urgent Care
Summit Pacific Urgent Care hace pruebas a las personas con síntomas de COVID-19 en la clínica de urgencias médicas [Urgent Care] en Elma. El horario de atención en urgencias es de 8 AM a 8 PM. Para la prueba se requiere cita con doctor y se cobrará como corresponda. Los servicios de interpretación los proporciona Summit Pacific Urgent Care.

Farmacias Health Mart
Health Mart Pharmacies en Elma y en McCleary ofrecen pruebas COVID-19 sin cargo a las personas con síntomas de COVID-19 así como, a las personas que no tengan síntomas. Esta prueba está disponible para personas de cualquier edad.

Visite para registrarse y programar una cita, o llame al 1(800) 451-7449 y deje mensaje. Para registrarse y programar servicios en línea, se ofrece traducción al español si utiliza el navegador Google Chrome. Las farmacias Health Mart no ofrecen servicios de interpretación.

COVID-19 testing options in Grays Harbor County

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Grays Harbor County Public Health and Grays Harbor Emergency Operations Center would like the public to be aware of COVID-19 testing options within Grays Harbor County. With the addition of the Everlywell testing option this week, Grays Harbor now has four testing options.

Everlywell Testing

In coordination with the Washington State Department of Health, Grays Harbor County Public Health now has Everlywell COVID-19 home tests free for public use. These tests are for people who are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 and those who are close contacts of people positive with COVID-19. To take this test, you must be 18 years of age or older with a valid email address, phone, and internet access.  Tests will not be administered or distributed inside the building, as these tests are self-administered home tests. After the sample is gathered, recipients will drop off their samples at a designated UPS drop-off location. Please contact the COVID-19 center at (360) 964-1850 for pre-screening and instructions. This test is in English only.

Health Mart Pharmacies

Health Mart Pharmacies in Elma and McCleary are providing COVID-19 tests at no charge to people experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 as well people who are not experiencing symptoms. This testing is available for all ages. Visit to register and schedule an appointment or call 1(800) 451-7449. If utilizing Google Chrome, Spanish translation is available.

Grays Harbor Community Hospital

Grays Harbor Community Hospital is offering drive-up COVID-19 tests to people of all ages who are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or are a close contact of a positive case. Testing is available Monday - Friday from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM. Referrals can be made by calling the COVID-19 call center at (360) 964-1850. Drive- up testing is offered at no charge. Testing performed within care at the hospital may be subject to charge.

Summit Pacific Urgent Care

Summit Pacific Medical Center is testing people experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 at their Urgent Care clinic in Elma. Urgent Care is open daily from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM. These tests involve a doctor’s visit and will be billed accordingly.

Grays Harbor County Public Health’s COVID-19 call center is now open weekends. Our bi-lingual call center can be reached at (360) 964-1850 Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM and Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Grays Harbor COVID-19 updates, including current case counts, are available at


Se contiene el brote de COVID-19 en Pacific Care y Rehabilitation a uno

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Salud Pública de Grays Harbor y el Centro de Operaciones de Emergencias de Grays Harbor y Pacific Care y Rehabilitation desean actualizar información al público sobre el brote de COVID-19 en Pacific Care y Rehabilitation, en Hoquiam. El 25 de agosto, se completó la ronda tercera y final de pruebas a todos los empleados y residentes sin que se hayan identificado nuevos casos positivos.

“Pacific Care and Rehabilitation ha tenido éxito de nuevo al mitigar la propagación de COVID-19, dentro de sus instalaciones”, dijo el Dr. John Bausher, Oficial de Salud del Condado Grays Harbor. “Gracias a procedimientos apropiados para reducir la propagación, ningún residente ha resultado positivo como parte de este brote”.

El Departamento de Salud del Estado de Washington clasifica como brote, a cualquier caso de COVID-19 que surja dentro de las instalaciones dedicadas al cuidado prolongado. El 11 de agosto, Salud Pública del Condado de Grays Harbor anunció un brote en Pacific Care y   Rehabilitation, cuando uno de sus empleados resultó positivo. Las pruebas se han hecho cada siete días, esto de acuerdo con los lineamientos del Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades, referentes a las instalaciones para el cuidado prolongado. Ya han pasado 14 días consecutivos sin casos positivos.

En mayo de este año, un residente del Pacific Care y Rehabilitation resultó positivo para COVID-19 y ese brote se contuvo también en un solo caso. Esto trae el total de dos brotes COVID-19 que fueron identificados en Pacific Care & Rehabilitation, cada uno de esos con solo un caso identificado durante la investigación.

Salud Pública del Condado de Grays Harbor actualiza y publica los números COVID-19, entre semana al mediodía en Se expedirán notificaciones a la comunidad con comunicados de prensa subsiguientes, cuando se crea necesario y no por cada caso y muerte.

Pacific Care and Rehabilitation COVID-19 outbreak contained to one

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Grays Harbor County Public Health, Grays Harbor Emergency Operations Center, and Pacific Care and Rehabilitation would like to update the public on the COVID-19 outbreak at Pacific Care and Rehabilitation in Hoquiam. The third and final round of testing of all employees and residents was completed on August 25th and no new positive cases were identified.

“Pacific Care and Rehabilitation has been successful yet again at mitigating the spread of COVID-19 within their facility,” said Grays Harbor County Health Officer, Dr. John Bausher. “Thanks to appropriate procedures to reduce the spread, no residents have tested positive as part of this outbreak.”

Washington State Department of Health classifies any positive case of COVID-19 within a long term care facility as an outbreak. On August 11, Grays Harbor County Public Health announced an outbreak at Pacific Care and Rehabilitation when one employee tested positive. Testing has been performed every seven days per Centers for Disease and Control guidelines for long term care facilities. There have been 14 continuous days with no positive cases.

In May of this year, a resident of Pacific Care and Rehabilitation had tested positive for COVID-19, and that outbreak was also contained to only one case. This brings the total to two COVID-19 outbreaks identified at Pacific Care and Rehabilitation, each with only one positive case identified during the investigation.

Grays Harbor Public Health updates COVID-19 numbers weekdays at noon on Subsequent press releases will be issued when community notification is deemed necessary and not for each case and death. 


74 casos nuevos de COVID-19 en una semana se identificaron en el Condado de Grays Harbor

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Desde el 17 de agosto, Salud Pública del Condado Grays Harbor y el Centro de Operaciones de Emergencia de Grays Harbor identificaron 74 casos de COVID-19, confirmados por laboratorio, entre las personas que residen en el Condado de Grays Harbor.

Por lo menos la mitad de esos casos nuevos han sido asociados a dos brotes separados, en dos negocios privados. Salud Pública del Condado de Grays Harbor está trabajando de cerca con ambos empleadores para mitigar cualquier avance de la propagación de COVID-19 dentro del Condado de Grays Harbor.

Algunas de las investigaciones están pendientes aún y se desconoce por ahora la fuente de contagio de casi el 10% de esos 74 casos nuevos.

Salud Pública del Condado de Grays Harbor actualiza los números de COVID-19, de lunes a viernes, al mediodía en el sitio web

74 new cases of COVID-19 identified in one week in Grays Harbor County

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Since August 17th, Grays Harbor County Public Health and Grays Harbor Emergency Operations Center have identified 74 new laboratory-confirmed cases of COVID-19 among people who reside in Grays Harbor County.

At least half of these new cases have been linked to two separate outbreaks identified at two private businesses. Grays Harbor County Public Health is working closely with both employers to mitigate any further spread of COVID-19 within Grays Harbor County.

Some investigations are still pending, but thus far approximately 10% of the 74 new cases have no known source of exposure.

Grays Harbor County Public Health updates COVID-19 numbers Monday - Friday at noon on 


Se identifica brote de COVID-19 en el Pacific Care and Rehabilitation y en la Comunidad en Vivienda Asistida Beehive

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Salud Pública de Grays Harbor y el Centro de Operaciones de Emergencias de Grays Harbor han identificado un brote de COVID-19, dentro del Pacific Care and Rehabilitation en Hoquiam, WA. La prueba COVID-19 a un miembro de su personal resultó positivo y esa persona estuvo trabajando durante su periodo infeccioso. La investigación continúa, sin embargo, este brote ha sido ligado en forma preliminar al brote en el Beehive Comunidad en Vivienda Asistida, que se anunció la semana pasada. El Departamento de Salud del Estado de Washington clasifica como brote, a cualquier caso positivo, dentro de un ambiente de vivienda congregado.

Pacific Care and Rehabilitation está trabajando de cerca con el Equipo de Administración del Incidente COVID-19 del Condado Grays Harbor, para hacer a todos los empleados y residentes pruebas COVID-19. Hasta ahora, a 93 empleados y a todos los 61 residentes se les ha hecho la prueba, teniendo dentro de esos uno positivo, siendo el mismo empleado original. Las pruebas continuarán haciéndose cada 7 días, hasta que pasen 14 días sin que salgan resultados positivos en esas instalaciones. Esto se hace de acuerdo con los lineamientos del Centro para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades [CDC].

Beehive Comunidad en Vivienda Asistida

El Equipo de Administración de Incidente COVID-19 del Condado de Grays Harbor continúa monitoreando el brote en la Comunidad de Vivienda Asistida Beehive en McCleary, WA. Se hizo la prueba a cada uno de los empleados y a los residentes, habiendo actualmente 15 casos asociados con este brote. Beehive publicará actualizaciones para la comunidad en su sitio web e invita a la comunidad a visitarlo para ver la información más reciente:

Todos los días a mediodía Salud Pública del Condado Grays Harbor publica actualizaciones en  Se expedirán notificaciones a la comunidad con comunicados de prensa cuando se crea necesario y no por cada caso y muerte.

COVID-19 outbreak identified at Pacific Care and Rehabilitation and Beehive Assisted Living Community Update

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Grays Harbor Public Health and Grays Harbor Emergency Operations Center have identified an outbreak of COVID-19 at Pacific Care and Rehabilitation in Hoquiam. A staff member has tested positive with COVID-19 and was working during their infectious period. The investigation is ongoing, but this outbreak has been preliminarily linked to the Beehive Assisted Living Community outbreak announced last week. The Washington State Department of Health classifies any positive case within a congregant living environment as an outbreak.

Pacific Care and Rehabilitation is working closely with Grays Harbor County’s COVID-19 Incident Management Team (IMT) to have all employees and residents tested for COVID-19. So far, 93 staff and all 61 residents have been tested with one positive result being the original staff member. Tests will continue to be conducted every 7 days until there are 14 day without positive results within the facility. This practice is in line with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations.

Beehive Assisted Living Community

Grays Harbor County’s COVID-19 IMT continues to monitor the outbreak at Beehive Assisted Living Community in McCleary. With every employee and resident tested, there are currently 15 cases associated with this outbreak. The Beehive will be posting community updates on its website and invites the community to visit it for the most current information:

Grays Harbor County Public Health updates COVID-19 numbers daily at noon on Press releases will be issued when community notification is deemed necessary and not for each case and death. 


COVID-19 contribuye a muerte reciente en el Beehive Comunidad en Vivienda Asistida

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Salud Pública de Grays Harbor y el Centro de Operaciones de Emergencias de Grays Harbor han identificado un brote de COVID-19, dentro de Beehive Comunidad en Vivienda Asistida, ubicado en  McCleary, WA. Actualmente, hay cuatro casos de COVID-19 que están asociados a ese lugar.

A principios de semana, un residente murió en el hospital local debido a una condición médica preexistente impactada por COVID-19. Para proteger la privacidad de la familia, no se dará información de esa persona. Hoy, otro residente se identificó como positivo de COVID-19 y está actualmente hospitalizado. Dos miembros del personal también han dado positivo al COVID-19 y están en cuarentena, esto de acuerdo con los lineamientos de Salud Pública y el Centro para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades [CDC].

El Beehive y el Equipo de Administración del Incidente COVID-19 del Condado de Grays Harbor están trabajando en forma conjunta para manejar el brote. El personal médico de Beehive está trabajando para hacer pruebas a los pacientes y a su personal. El 6 de agosto, a los residentes y al personal se les hizo pruebas de COVID-19. El Beehive compartirá los resultados cuando el laboratorio del estado de Washington los confirme. Se continúa haciendo exámenes diariamente al personal y a los residentes, esto de acuerdo con los lineamientos del CDC. A la fecha, las notas de la Enfermera Registrada del Beehive dicen no tener conocimiento de ningún otro residente o de su personal con síntomas, en sus  instalaciones.

Erin Marotti, Administradora de Beehive, dijo “Hemos sido muy proactivos en la protección de nuestros residentes y de nuestro personal. En los últimos meses, hemos trabajado junto con DSHS y el departamento de salud del condado para adoptar e implementar lineamientos sugeridos para el control de la infección, lo que incluye chequeos diario y monitoreo de los residentes y el personal. Continuaremos siendo proactivos en nuestra respuesta al brote actual”. De acuerdo con las recomendaciones del Centro para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades [CDC] para todos los residentes y el personal de Beehive Comunidad en Vivienda Asistida, se les han hecho pruebas de COVID-19. Se harán pruebas cada 7 días hasta que haya 14 días sin tener resultados positivos dentro de las instalaciones.

El Equipo de Administración del Incidente COVID-19 del Condado de Grays Harbor, continúa trabajando de cerca con las instalaciones locales, a largo plazo y con el Departamento de Salud del Estado de Washington para asegurarse que esas instalaciones tienen reservas adecuadas de equipo de protección personal y para pruebas de COVID-19.

Beehive publicará actualizaciones para la comunidad en su sitio web e invita a la comunidad a visitarlo para ver la información más reciente: (Información disponible en inglés)

Todos los días a mediodía Salud Pública del Condado Grays Harbor publica actualizaciones en Se expedirán comunicados de prensa cuando se crea necesario y no por cada caso y muerte.

Recent death of Beehive Assisted Living Community resident contributed to COVID-19

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Grays Harbor Public Health and Grays Harbor Emergency Operations Center have identified an outbreak of COVID-19 within the Beehive Assisted Living Community in McCleary, WA. Currently, there are 4 cases of COVID-19 associated with this location.

Earlier this week, a resident passed away at a local hospital from a pre-existing medical condition that was impacted by COVID-19. To protect the family’s privacy, no further information about the individual will be released.  Today another resident was identified as COVID-19 positive and is currently hospitalized.  Two staff members have also tested positive for COVID-19 and are self-quarantining per Public Health and CDC guidelines.

The Beehive and Grays Harbor County’s COVID-19 Incident Management Team (IMT) are working cooperatively to manage the outbreak. Beehive medical staff are working to test all patients and staff. On August 6, Beehive residents and staff were tested for COVID-19. The Beehive will share the results once confirmed by the Washington State lab. Daily screening of staff and all residents continue, per CDC guidelines. And as of today, the Beehive’s RN notes they are not aware of any additional symptomatic residents or staff at the facility.

Erin Marotti, Administrator of the Beehive, says “We have been very proactive in protecting our residents and staff. Over the past several months, we have worked closely with DSHS and the county health department to adopt and implement suggested infection control guidance, including daily screening and monitoring of residents and staff.  We will continue to be proactive in our response to the current outbreak”. In accordance with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations, all residents and staff of Beehive Assisted Living Community  have been tested for COVID-19. Testing will be conducted every 7 days until there are 14 days without positive results within the facility.

Grays Harbor County’s COVID-19 Incident Management Team continues to work closely with local long-term care facilities and the Washington State Department of Health to ensure these facilities have an adequate stockpile of personal protective equipment and COVID-19 testing supplies.

The Beehive will be posting community updates on its website and invites the community to visit it for the most current information:

Grays Harbor County Public Health updates COVID-19 numbers daily at noon Press releases will be issued when community notification is deemed necessary and not for each case and death.


Mask distribution event for eligible residents Tuesday, August 4 in Grays Harbor Fire District No. 2 area

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

In place of the annual National Night Out Against Crime, Grays Harbor County Fire Protection District No. 2 will be hosting two drive-up mask distribution events simultaneously Tuesday evening. These events have been coordinated with Grays Harbor County Emergency Operations Center to distribute two (2) free, reusable face masks for every individual that is below the 200% Federal Poverty Level in Washington State.

The drive-up sites will be set up in the parking lots of the following locations from 5 PM to 7 PM, Tuesday, August 4, 2020:

  • Central Park Elementary School, 601 School Road, Aberdeen, WA 98520

  • Station 2-2 (Brady) 8 Firestation Road, Montesano, WA 98563

Under Governor Jay Inslee’s proclamation, Mask Up, Washington, all residents are required to wear a face covering when in public and unable to adequately social distance. Grays Harbor County Public Health and Grays Harbor County Emergency Operations Center would like to encourage all residents of Grays Harbor to comply with this order. These masks, provided by Washington State Emergency Management, are intended to help residents be able to comply with the Governor’s order.

Size of Family 2020 Federal Poverty Level 200% of FPL

Individuals $12,760 $25,520

Family of 2 $17,240 $34,480

Family of 3 $21,720 $43,440

Family of 4 $26,200 $52,400

Family of 5 $30,680 $61,360

Family of 6 $35,160 $70,320

Family of 7 $39,640 $79,280

Family of 8 $44,120 $88,240


La escuela secundaria y la preparatoria North Beach han sido potencialmente expuestas al COVID-19

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Salud Pública del Condado de Grays Harbor y el Distrito Escolar North Beach, alertan al público, que la escuela secundaria y la preparatoria North Beach, han sido potencialmente expuestas al COVID-19. Durante el mes de julio, han habido muchas fechas y horarios en que individuos han estado en varias actividades recreacionales dentro de la escuela y lo han hecho, desde tener resultado positivo al COVID-19. Salud Pública de Grays Harbor, está aún en las primeras fases de la investigación y toda la información es preliminar. 

Si usted estuvo en la escuela secundaria o preparatoria North Beach, 336 State Route 115,  en Ocean Shores, WA durante cualquiera de las siguientes fechas y horarios, debe entrar en cuarentena de inmediato y poner atención a los síntomas de COVID-19.  Si comienza a tener síntomas, debe hacerse la prueba del COVID-19.


El centro de llamadas COVID-19 de Salud Pública del Condado de Grays Harbor, está para ayudar al público con información y referidos a pruebas. Si usted estuvo en esas instalaciones en cualquiera de esas fechas y horarios, por favor no dude en comunicarse al centro de llamadas al (360) 964-1850. Hay asistencia al público en inglés y en español. El centro de llamadas opera de lunes a viernes, de 8:30 a.m. a 12 p.m. y de 12:30 p.m. a  4 p.m.

Potential COVID-19 exposure at North Beach Jr./Sr. High School

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Grays Harbor Public Health and the North Beach School District is alerting the public of a potential COVID-19 exposure at North Beach Jr./Sr. High School. During the month of July, there have been multiple dates and times that individuals have been at various recreational activities within the school and have since tested positive for COVID-19. Grays Harbor Public Health is still in the early stages of this investigation and all information is preliminary.

If you were at North Beach Jr./Sr. High School at 336 State Route 115, Ocean Shores during any of the following dates and times, you should quarantine immediately and watch for symptoms of COVID-19. If you begin to show symptoms, you should get tested for COVID-19.

Open Gym Dates


July 7, 2020 6 AM - 8  AM

July 9, 2020 6 AM - 8  AM

July 12, 2020 2 PM - 4 PM

July 14, 2020 6 AM - 8  AM

July 16, 2020 6 AM - 8  AM

July 17, 2020 9 AM - 10 AM (NB Students Basketball Shooting Drills)

July 19, 2020 2 PM - 4 PM

Weight Room Dates


July 8, 2020 7 AM - 8:15 AM and 2 PM - 3 PM

July 14, 2020 7 AM - 8:15 AM and 2 PM - 3 PM

Grays Harbor County Public Health’s COVID-19 Call Center is here to assist the public with information and testing referrals.  If you were at the facility during any of these times, do not hesitate to contact the call center at (360) 964-1850.  Assistance is available in both English and Spanish. The call center is open Monday through Friday, 8:30am-12pm and 12:30pm-4pm. 


Mask distribution event for eligible residents Wednesday, July 29 at the Ocosta High School

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Grays Harbor County Emergency Operations Center will be hosting a drive-up mask distribution event this Wednesday, July 29, 2020 from 10 AM to 2 PM.  Grays Harbor County Emergency Operations Center and Grays Harbor Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) will be at the Ocosta High School at 2580 Montesano Street in Westport distributing two (2) free, reusable face masks for every individual that is below the 200% Federal Poverty Level in Washington State.

The drive-up site will be set up in the parking lot of the Ocosta High School (see map below). No identification or proof of income is required. This is the fourth site of multiple anticipated locations and dates. More information to come on future sites.

Under Governor Jay Inslee’s new proclamation, Mask Up, Washington, all residents are required to wear a face covering when in public and unable to adequately social distance. Grays Harbor County Public Health and Grays Harbor County Emergency Operations Center would like to encourage all residents of Grays Harbor to comply with this order. These masks, provided by Washington State Emergency Management, are intended to help residents be able to comply with the Governor’s order.

Size of Family 2020 Federal Poverty Level 200% of FPL

Individuals $12,760 $25,520

Family of 2 $17,240 $34,480

Family of 3 $21,720 $43,440

Family of 4 $26,200 $52,400

Family of 5 $30,680 $61,360

Family of 6 $35,160 $70,320

Family of 7 $39,640 $79,280

Family of 8 $44,120 $88,240


Mask distribution event for eligible residents Thursday, July 23 at Ocean Shores Convention Center

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Grays Harbor County Emergency Operations Center will be hosting a drive-up mask distribution event this Thursday, July 23, 2020 from 10 AM to 2 PM.  Grays Harbor County Emergency Operations Center and Grays Harbor Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) will be at the Ocean Shores Convention Center at 120 W Chance a La Mer NW in Ocean Shores distributing two (2) free, reusable face masks for every individual that is below the 200% Federal Poverty Level in Washington State.

The drive-up site will be set up in front of the Convention center at the main entrance (see map below). No identification or proof of income is required. This is the third site of multiple anticipated locations and dates. More information to come on future sites.

Under Governor Jay Inslee’s new proclamation, Mask Up, Washington, all residents are required to wear a face covering when in public and unable to adequately social distance. Grays Harbor County Public Health and Grays Harbor County Emergency Operations Center would like to encourage all residents of Grays Harbor to comply with this order. These masks, provided by Washington State Emergency Management, are intended to help residents be able to comply with the Governor’s order.

Size of Family 2020 Federal Poverty Level 200% of FPL

Individuals $12,760 $25,520

Family of 2 $17,240 $34,480

Family of 3 $21,720 $43,440

Family of 4 $26,200 $52,400

Family of 5 $30,680 $61,360

Family of 6 $35,160 $70,320

Family of 7 $39,640 $79,280

Family of 8 $44,120 $88,240


Grays Harbor County has first COVID-19 death

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Grays Harbor County Public Health and Grays Harbor County Emergency Operations Center are reporting the first death of a Grays Harbor resident attributed to COVID-19. The individual died on July 14 from complications associated with the virus.  To protect the family’s privacy, no further information about the individual will be released.

 “We extend our condolences to the patient’s friends and family,” said Dr. John Bausher, Grays Harbor County Health Officer.  “This is a sad reminder to us about the importance of physical distancing and cloth face coverings to protect the vulnerable members of our community”.  

Grays Harbor County has experienced a significant increase in the presence of COVID-19 within the county.  Since last Monday, 22 new cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed within the county including 6 new cases that were identified yesterday.

Grays Harbor County Public Health is actively monitoring 12 positive cases of COVID-19 and 64 close contacts of the 56 confirmed cases. While some of the cases can be attributed to household transmission, there have been significant increases in cases involving exposure from large gatherings inside and outside the county.

Grays Harbor County Public Health’s COVID-19 Task Force and Grays Harbor County Emergency Operation Center is in the process of ramping back up response capabilities to this pandemic as caseloads have increased within the County. Remember, staying home is still safest, but if you do go out: stay six feet from others, wear a face covering, wash your hands, and stay local.

Case counts

Grays Harbor County has 56 confirmed cases of COVID-19.

  • February 2020: 1 case

  • March 2020: 6 cases 

  • April 2020: 5 cases

  • May 2020: 6 cases

  • June 2020: 22 cases

  • July 2020: 16 cases, 1 death

Beginning July 13, Grays Harbor County Public Health changed the way cases are reported. Starting July 13, cases are reported by date of illness onset, not by date of notification. This is consistent with Washington State Department of Health reporting practices and better shows disease activity over time. Grays Harbor County Public Health reports data as accurately and timely as possible. Data is subject to change as we receive more information.

Grays Harbor County Public Health continues to operate a COVID-19 Call Center to provide information and testing referrals. Assistance is available in both English and Spanish. Call (360) 964-1850. The call center is open Monday through Friday, 8:30am-12pm and 12:30pm-4pm. Case counts will be updated daily on our website at to provide the most accurate information available.

# # #

Charlie’s Sports Bar potencialmente expuesto al COVID-19

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Salud Pública del Condado de Grays Harbor y el Centro de Operaciones de Emergencia Grays Harbor, alerta a los clientes del Charlie’s Sports Bar en Montesano, sobre haber sido potencialmente expuestos al COVID-19. El Dr. Bausher, Oficial de Salud Pública de Grays Harbor, tiene la preocupación de que existe una alta posibilidad de que los clientes que visitaron ese lugar han sido expuestos y no tenemos datos para contactar a esos clientes en forma individual.

Si usted estuvo en el Charlie’s Sports Bar, 313 Main St. en Montesano, WA durante cualquiera de las siguientes fechas y horarios, debe entrar en cuarentena de inmediato y poner atención a los síntomas de COVID-19.  Si comienza a tener síntomas, debe hacerse la prueba del COVID-19.

Charlie's Dates.PNG

El centro de llamadas COVID-19 de Salud Pública del Condado de Grays Harbor, está para ayudar al público con información y referidos a pruebas. Si usted fue a ese bar en cualquiera de esas fechas y horarios, por favor no dude en comunicarse al centro de llamadas al (360) 964-1850. Hay asistencia al público en inglés y en español. El centro de llamadas opera de lunes a viernes, de 8:30 a.m. a 12 p.m. y de 12:30 p.m. a  4 p.m.