Two days remain of community-based drive-through testing — Grays Harbor County Public Health

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2109 Sumner Avenue
Aberdeen, WA
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(360) 532-8631

Two days remain of community-based drive-through testing


Two days remain of community-based drive-through testing

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Friday, May 1, 2020 will be final day of community-based drive-through testing in Aberdeen

Case updates

Grays Harbor County has 12 confirmed cases of COVID-19.

  • March 2020: 2 cases 

  • April 2020: 10 cases

No additional cases of COVID-19 have been identified in Grays Harbor County since April 12. Grays Harbor Public Health Incident Management Team (IMT) remains prepared to respond if any additional cases are identified.

Response Update

The community-based drive-through testing site at Grays Harbor College in Aberdeen will remain open through Friday, May 1, 2020. If you are showing any symptoms of COVID-19 and are 18 years or older, call Grays Harbor Public Health’s COVID-19 call center at (360) 964-1850 Monday through Friday from 8:30AM to 4:00PM to schedule an appointment. You do not need to be a Grays Harbor County resident to be tested. Testing services are available in both English and Spanish.

Since opening the testing site on April 15, Grays Harbor Public Health, along with the Washington State National Guard and local public service agencies, have tested 458 people. So far, there have been zero positive tests results from this testing site. Testing at the site is done with a nasal swab to identify people who are ill with COVID-19. Antibody testing is currently not available. Grays Harbor Public Health will continue to monitor the research on antibody testing and how antibody testing will fit into managing the pandemic.

After May 1, Grays Harbor County Public Health will continue to coordinate other local testing options and staff a call center that will assist people with testing referrals.

Recreate responsibly

While some state properties are opening back up following Governor Inslee’s announcement on Monday about easing outdoor recreation restrictions, the beach approaches in the city of Westport as well as those maintained by Grays Harbor County are currently closed and will remain closed after the State’s recreation restrictions ease on May 5.

As some recreation opportunities begin to open back up, keep in mind these recommendations:

Before going, check with local cities and parks to ensure they are open. Do not go anywhere that is closed. Be sure to stay close to home and avoid unnecessary travel to recreate. Be prepared for restroom facilities to be closed. Stay home if you are feeling sick.

While you are out, make sure you maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet. Wear a mask when you are around others and practice good hygiene. Be sure to leave no trace while enjoying the outdoors.

Everyone should stay home and stay healthy. If you have to leave your home for essential activities, wear a cloth face covering.

Grays Harbor Public Health Incident Management Team and Grays Harbor Emergency Operations Center provide the most accurate, timely information possible. For any questions about COVID-19 and our response call (360) 964-1850, email, or visit our website at  Like us on Facebook at