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2109 Sumner Avenue
Aberdeen, WA
United States

(360) 532-8631

Directory of services & programs

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Connect, Play Learn Resource Center and Play Group

Leigh Rowley

For more information about the program call 360.532.8631.

Home > Grays Harbor Family Support Program

Connect, Play, Learn: Resource Center and Play Group

1st Tuesday of each month at the Pearsall Building, 2109 Sumner Avenue in Aberdeen.

Play and Chat: 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

A Way for Providers to Promote their family-friendly events.

We help Grays Harbor parents stay connected.

If you are a provider and would like to share your Grays Harbor, family-friendly resource or event through our Lantern service, please complete the form below.

Padres como Maestros |Programa de Apoyo Familiar Condado de Grays Harbor

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Para mas información sobre el programa Padres como Maestros, llame al 360.532.8631.

Home > Grays Harbor Family Support Program | Parents as Teachers

El Programa de Apoyo Familiar del Condado de Grays Harbor es un programa gratuito que ayuda a los niños en el crecimiento y desarrollo de su potencial.

El programa equipara a los padres de familia con una Educador de Padres [EP] capacitado. El EP se reunirá con usted en su hogar o en algún lugar conveniente como la biblioteca local o el parque. Su EP es una persona amigable y experimentada que puede contestar preguntas sobre su embarazo o el ser padres de familia. Su EP también puede ayudar a encontrar servicios para cuidarse a sí mismo y a sus hijos.

Grays Harbor Family Support Program | Parents as Teachers

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

For more information about the PAT program call 360.532.8631.

Home > Grays Harbor Family Support Program | Parents as Teachers

Grays Harbor Parents as Teachers is a free family support program that helps children grow and develop to their full potential.

The program matches parents with a trained Parent Educator (PE). Your PE will meet with you in your home or a convenient location like your local library or park.  Your PE is a friendly, experienced person who can answer questions about your pregnancy or being a parent. Your PE can also help you find services that help you care for yourself and your children.