Opioid response
Leigh Rowley
Many people in our community are being affected by opioid use disorder.
If you or someone you know is experiencing opioid use disorder, you can get help.
CLOSED - Request for Proposals for Jail SUD Services
As part of sustaining a coordinated continuum of care, Grays Harbor County is interested in contracting with a qualified agency to perform Substance Use Disorder (SUD) assessments and behavioral health programming with individuals incarcerated in the Grays Harbor County Jail. Notice is hereby given that letters of interest and statement of qualifications will be received by the County, for Jail SUD Services by filing with the County at the location below.
Proposals will be accepted through 4:30 p.m. on January 28, 2025.
Read the full Request for Proposals document.
RFP Fillable PDF Cover Page.
SUD Services Budget Proposal.
Questions contact Wilma Weber at wweber@graysharbor.us or 360-500-4069
CLOSED - Request for Proposals for Jail Re-Entry Care Coordination
As part of sustaining a coordinated continuum of care, the County is interested in contracting with a qualified agency to perform care coordination with individuals in the County Jail who are preparing for re-entry. Notice is hereby given that letters of interest and statement of qualifications will be received by Grays Harbor County, Washington, for Jail Re-Entry Care Coordination by filing with the County at the location below.
Proposals will be accepted through 4:30 p.m. on January 28, 2025.
Read the full Request for Proposals document.
RFP Fillable PDF Cover Page.
Re-Entry Care Coordination Budget Proposal.
Questions contact Wilma Weber at wweber@graysharbor.us or 360-500-4069
Frquently Asked Questions (Q&A):
Q. Are rent subsidies an allowable expense? If so, what is the limit on percentage of budget?
A. We are hoping that respondents will allocate some funding to rent subsidies. While the grant guidelines do not delineate a maximum percentage this is something that you should propose as reasonable within your overall budget. The finer details will be worked out with GHPH upon further guidance from BJA.
Q. Are transportation expenses and participant “flex-funds” allowed?
A. Respondents should clearly detail allocation for any proposed expenses in their budget. Final details on allowable expenses will be worked out with successful respondent and GHPH upon further guidance from BJA.
Q. How might the MTP 1115 Waiver affect respondents budget projections?
A. While the final reimbursement rates for reimbursement in carceral settings is still being worked out by HCA, respondents should be prepared to forecast potential program offsets received from billing for eligible services, e.g., by using projections based off Medicaid billing for similar services outside of the carceral setting. The selected agency would be required to make sure they are eligible to bill for services in a carceral setting.
Q. Who is responsible for ensuring participants have active insurance?
A. The jail does have an individual in place who will help individuals enroll in Medicaid if they do not have active insurance.
Q. Is there any feel for how many individuals would be participating in jail-based programs?
A. While it is hard to predict the actual number of participants on a monthly basis, a snapshot of the program over the last 6 months is this:
SUD assessments: approximately 15 brief screens/month
SUD group participants: approximately 26 unique individuals/month
Re-entry participants: 75 (combination of active both in and out of jail)
Q. Is there a maximum number of participants who would be enrolled in jail-based programs?
A. No, all eligible participants should be served so long as the caseload is safe/manageable.
CLOSED - Request for Proposals for Jail Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD)/Medication for Alcohol Use Disorder (MAUD) Services
Through funding from the Washington State Health Care Authority via the 2021 MOUD in Jails Program Grays Harbor County (in partnership with the City of Aberdeen and the City of Hoquiam) is soliciting requests for proposals for the purpose of providing MOUD/MAUD prescribing and relevant medical oversight in the municipal jails of Aberdeen and Hoquiam. Notice is hereby given that letters of interest and statement of qualifications will be received by the County, for Jail MOUD/MAUD Services by filing with the County at the location below.
Proposals will be accepted through 4:30 p.m. on October 1, 2024.
Read the full Request for Proposals document.
Questions contact Wilma Weber at wweber@graysharbor.us or 360-500-4069
1. Can the police departments transport individuals to a clinic for evaluation?
Answer: Transporting individuals to a clinic for evaluation is not possible due to the impact on staff time. Services are expected to be provided in the jail.
2. Can the population be served by telehealth?
Answer: The provider would need to be able to conduct an assessment without the need of adjunct medical/clinical staff. The workload in the jail varies greatly (with attorney visits and court proceedings) and it is not always possible to schedule exact times for telehealth visits.
The Washington State Project to Prevent Prescription Drug/Opioid Overdose (WA-PDO) was a five-year project implemented by ADAI and many syringe service programs across WA State to provide overdose prevention and response training and distribute naloxone. The project has released a new report describing the results of 5 years of naloxone distribution to people who use opioids and to law enforcement in WA State. Grays Harbor was one of five pilot sites participating in this program and included in the report.
Read the full report here:
The WA-PDO project recently received renewal funding through 2026 and is now administered by the WA State Department of Health:
CLOSED Request for Proposals - Jail Re-Entry Services
Grays Harbor County has issued a “Request for Proposals” (RFP) to interested and qualified agencies, to provide re-entry care coordination services to identified individuals in the County Jail. Through funding from the Washington State Health Care Authority (HCA) and the Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Abuse Program (COSSAP). Proposals will be accepted through 4:30 p.m. on June 29, 2022.
You can find the full Request for Proposals document here.
Questions contact Wilma Weber at wweber@graysharbor.us or 360-500-4069
CLOSED Request for Proposals - Jail Substance Use Disorder Services
Through funding from the Rural Response to the Opioid Epidemic Grant (RROE) and , Grays Harbor County (the “County”) is soliciting requests for proposals for the purpose of providing SUD services to identified individuals incarcerated in the Grays Harbor County Jail (the “Jail”) to support a continuum of care and path to recovery. Proposals will be accepted through 4:30 p.m. on June 29, 2022.
You can find the full Request for Proposals document here.
Questions contact Wilma Weber at wweber@graysharbor.us or 360-500-4069
CLOSED - Request for Proposals - Re-Entry Care Coordinator
Coastal Community Action Program was awarded the contract for Re-Entry Care Coordinator. Contracted services will begin in January of 2021.
CLOSED - Request for Qualifications - Jail In-Reach SUD Assessments
Three agencies responded to the RFQ and met the criteria for contracting. Columbia Wellness, Lifeline Connections and Medtriq will be awarded contracts to have “in-reach” assessments reimbursed per arrangement.
All people experiencing opioid use disorder can improve their wellness.
We work with community partners to:
Prevent opioid use.
Rural Response to the Opioid Epidemic project -
Provide opportunities for judicially-supervised treatment.
You can learn more.
For questions about our opioid response programs, contact health@co.grays-harbor.wa.us.