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2109 Sumner Avenue
Aberdeen, WA
United States

(360) 532-8631

Directory of services & programs

Sexual and Reproductive Health

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Home > Sexual and Reproductive Health

We believe in reproductive health care for everyone.

Services offered to ALL people that have the ability to reproduce whether they desire to become pregnant or to become a parent.

Spanish and English speaking staff - hablamos español.

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Your Sexual and Reproductive Health Clinic staff is ready to serve all your reproductive health care needs. We accept Apple Health, private insurance, and offer a sliding fee schedule for all of our services.
Front row from left: Erica, Jeannie, Lupe, and Lizette.
Back row from left: Kim, Debby,
Lenka - Clinician, and Lisa.
Click on name for bio and contact information *

High quality health care that meets national standards

Birth control:
All types of Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARC’s) available

  • Arm implant-Nexplanon, contraception for up to 5 years

  • Non-hormonal IUD-Paragard, contraception for up to 12 years

  • Hormonal IUD’s: Mirena and Liletta, contraception for up to 7 years; and Kyleena, contraception for up to 5 years

Medroxyprogesterone injections - contraception for up to 3 months

Many different CHC-Combine hormonal pills, taken daily

POP-progesterone only pill, taken daily

Vaginal Ring-Nuvaring, changing monthly

Patch-Xulane, changing weekly

EC-emergency contraception

  • Paragard IUD- up to 5 days after unprotected intercourse

  • Plan B and Ella- up to 3-5 days after unprotected intercourse


Fertility Awareness Method

Women’s Health as part of the Sexual and Reproductive Health visit

Preventative care related to Sexual and Reproductive Health

  • Blood pressure check

  • Breast exam and referral for mammograms

  • Pap smear

  • Smoking cessation

  • STI screen

  • Vaccination

Health concerns related to Sexual and Reproductive Health

  • Breast

  • Hormonal

  • Lesions on genital area

  • Menstrual

  • Vaginal

  • Urinary

Pregnancy testing, confirmation, option counseling, referrals

Preconception counseling

Men’s Health as part of the Sexual and Reproductive Health Visit

Preventative care related to Sexual and Reproductive Health

  • Blood pressure check

  • Smoking cessation

  • STI screen

  • Vaccination

Health concerns related to Sexual and Reproductive Health

  • Burning during urination, ejaculation

  • Discharge

  • Lesions

STI - Sexually Transmitted Infections as part of the Sexual and Reproductive Health visit


  • HIV, rapid HIV, Syphilis

  • Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Trichomoniasis



Convenient and Confidential Health Care


  • Same day appointments

  • Initiating birth control that day, including most LARC’s if appropriate

  • Walk-in clinic for refills, vaccinations and STI treatment for established patients

Walk-in clinic hours:
Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays
9-11 a.m. and 2-4 p.m.

Appointment hours:
8 a.m.-noon and 12:30-4:30 p.m.

Getting birth control in-clinic, no need to visit pharmacy with Apple Health, Medicaid


  • Health care for every budget

  • Most insurances accepted, please check if we are in your network. We do not accept Medicare.

  • Sliding fee scale and payment plans.

Help with application for FPO (Family Planning Only) Medicaid

  • This coverage is available for non-citizens and citizens who make less than 150% FPL up to 250% FPL and are uninsured.

Confidential per RCW 9.02.100(2): Minors may obtain or refuse birth control services at any age without the consent of a parent or guardian.

What about STDs?

Birth control refill hours:

Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays
9am - 11am & 2pm - 4pm

You can get your Depo shot, pill refill, or ring refill during these walk-in times. No appointment is needed.

Family Planning Only (formerly known as Take Charge)

Family Planning Only is a state- and federally-funded program. It provides reproductive health care services (including free birth control) to women and men in Washington state.  You can apply for this program at our office.

For more information about Family Planning Only, visit Washington State Health Care Authority.


Call (360) 532-8631 and request an appointment or visit our office.  We are happy to answer your questions!